miércoles, 27 de junio de 2012

You're a big girl now- Bob Dylan (New York Sessions)

Hola, bueno les dejo otra canción de Bob Dylan, se llama You're a big girl now. Esta canción sale en el disco Blood on the tracks. Esta es una versión alternativa de la canción (New York Sessions).  Disfruten.

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Jokerman (outtake)

Esta es una versión épica de Jokerman, de Bob Dylan, extraordinaria, disfrútenla.

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miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012

2. From a buick (Alternate version)

I consider this a fantastic version of a fantastic song. Enjoy this version of From a buick. All tapes comes from the Internet. The sound is so inspirational.


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1. If you gotta go, go now (Alternate tape)

I want to share some of dylan's tapes. I found them all on the Internet. I'm going to start with a lovely tape: an alternate version of If you gotta go, go now. I believe that awesome version shows you Dylan at his best, so enjoy it.